About Me

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Don't try to understand me, you won't. And you never will. I don't do things to your expects because I don't live to please anyone. If you think I'm a big fuck, simply just fuck off. thank you. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lot>yio chu kang>amk hub>lot

Yesterday. Went out with my dearies eve, eries and corene. ^~^ Teeheez. Went to smoke awith pinochio and kelvin b4 training to amk hub to shop. Eve damn power one lorh! swear. :@ Got ourselves: cotton on stuffs, wallet, eyelashes, accesories, clothes etc. ;) Homed at 7pm. shall post pix nowzzz! ciao!~ Can't wait for chong pang at timah on fridayzxczxczxc!!